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canada goose deals One of the heinous things about Amendment One is that it took away that religious freedom, too. United Church of Christ, for taking this to court: “In a novel legal attack on a state’s same sex marriage ban, a liberal Protestant denomination on Monday filed a lawsuit arguing that North Carolina is unconstitutionally restricting canada goose outlet usa religious canada goose outlet uk freedom by barring canada goose outlet in usa clergy members from blessing gay and lesbian couples.” canada goose deals
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It was my strong belief that the campaign against A1 should have focused more on the civil unions ban.
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How much of that flows straight to the City in taxes? Even if you discount the multiplier and the room rates, is it enough to offset the annual operating deficit? In any case, I sure it terrible news for Greensboro.
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Greensboro voted against Amendment One roughly 60 40, according to analysis by alert reader Andrew Brod.
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